Meet Vee: K-12 Leadership


So I chose Western for this program because I was interested in the whole research part, and I read that Western's educational leadership program feeds into a lot of the research that's out there. And when I completed my masters in educational leadership, doing my doctoral program was the next step. So that's why I chose it.

What stands out is the ongoing support that we get from our professors. They make sure that we have everything that we need that we prepared. So there isn't any guessing games and what we have to do. Everything that we learn is relevant and things that we can walk away with and apply to what we're doing.

So one of the projects that I worked on was with the High Impact Leadership Team. I was part of the research team and so qualitative research is part of my upcoming dissertation. And so through working on this program, I was able to get a lot of hands on experience on how to do the interviewing, the coding and all of that process. So there were lots of opportunities for me to learn about the research projects and research methods that I will be using when I do my dissertation.

So when I did the masters, I didn't know what to expect. I had heard all of these stories about how difficult it is to do the online program. But through Western I met the faculty and everybody was so welcoming. If you have any issues, they work with you and can give you access to tutoring, They have open hours and so you fully feel supported the whole time.

And if you're unclear about something, they're just an email or a call away. So my suggestion is if you're considering doing the educational leadership program through Western, go ahead and do it, because you're going to get all the tools you need to be an effective leader.

K-12 Leadership at WMU

Students wishing to develop leadership skills and serve as a superintendent or other central office administrator within a school district serving elementary and secondary students will want to pursue this program in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology at Western 麻豆传媒应用 University.

Students completing this concentration may also receive one or more endorsements indicating that they would have met the state requirements for various K-12 administrative certificates (e.g., superintendent; central office).

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Major: Educational leadership


Major: Educational leadership


Major: Educational leadership


Major: Educational leadership


Major: Educational leadership


Major: Educational leadership